How to read more books: Ways to read more books every day

How to read more books? Unfortunately, simply knowing the importance and benefits of reading is not enough to persuade many who can't seem to find the time to read. For preteen children, teenagers in school, young guys and girls in college, professionals in a 9 to 5 job and oldies alike, here are tips for just about everyone. Find out how you can read more books as a hobby and make reading a part of your daily routine.
1) Get a library card and membership
To incentivize your reading, the first thing to do is to get a library membership. Being a library member will expose you to the world of books by giving you access thousands of books, academic journals, magazines, comics and newsletters.
A library also provides pleasant atmosphere for readers to sit for hours and read at peace. This may not be possible at home. From your local library to a dedicated in-house library at an organization, you can get a membership at a place of your choice.
2) Buy used and second hand books
Buy used books to get to read a range of books without spending a fortune. Look out for postings on university boards, scout flea markets, hop over to your local garage sale or look for deals on used books at your local book store.
Don't be put off from buying second hand books. Think of them as your attempt to give the dusty covers yet another chance at being read by a loving reader.
3) Buy an e-reader or tablet
Technology has changed almost every aspect of our lives and reading is no different. E-readers are trending and there is no secret to their success. Ebooks are well priced, mobile and occupy no space.
You can buy dedicated e-readers like Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite or a tablet like the iPad Mini and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. You will be able to read more books because reading on-the-go will be convenient and storage will not be an issue.
4) Download free books and PDFs: Reading books for free
If you are a student on a tight budget or someone who is cash strapped at the moment, you can look for options that allow you to read more books without having to pay a single dollar.
There are hundreds and thousands of free books available to be downloaded and read on your e-readers and tablets. Websites like Google Books and Scribd also host downloadable pdf copies of books which you can read on your desktop or laptop.
5) Read while commuting: Convert your daily commute into reading time
Commuting daily to work or school on the bus, train or tram can be made interesting by carrying a book with you. Getting yourself to read more books is all about deliberately creating windows of opportunities to read and your commute is the perfect excuse.
The first few days of reminding yourself to take your book along with you on your commute may seem like a deliberate activity. However it will come naturally in a week or two.
In no time you will find yourself hooked on reading books on your train or bus ride. You may even find a fellow passenger making small talk with you about the author or the book you are reading.
6) Always carry a book in your handbag, backpack or purse
Carrying a book in your handbag, backpack or purse is a neat way of making sure that you always have a book when you need one.
Whether it is waiting in a doctor's clinic, waiting at the bus stop or waiting for your turn at the salon, you never know when you may be able to flip through a few pages while you have nothing else to do.
7) Join your local book and reading club
A book club is an exciting platform for people to interact with fellow readers. Active book and reading groups are known to have intellectual discussions, debates, reading sessions and a host of other activities to tickle the fancy of book lovers.
These activities will evolve your reading quotient and motivate you to read more books. You will expose yourself to more genres, authors and titles which you may have never stumbled upon by yourself.
Make reading a full-fledged hobby: Buy reading accessories
Buying a tuner, few fancy picks, recording tools, microphone and a host of other complimentary accessories may be the natural thing to do for someone who is looking to learn guitar as a hobby. Do the same with books by formalizing reading as a full-fledged hobby in your life.
Buy quirky bookmarks, desk lamps, bookshelves, lap desks, holders, book lights and bookends. These accessories will allow you to create an environment that motivates you to pursue your book reading hobby.
9) Exchange book with friends
If you are the type of person who likes reading books recommended by other people, exchanging books with friends can be a great way to pursue your reading hobby.
Apart from being able to save money on buying all the books yourself, reading will become a fun activity when it is done with a friend. By the time you finish a book, you will eagerly look forward to recommending it to your friend and reading the book he or she has to recommend to you.
10) Set aside a day for reading and relaxing
Reading tends to get procrastinated because there never seems to be the right time for it. Deal with this problem by setting aside a day during the week or on a weekend when you will do nothing but read books, sip on hot beverages and munch on your favorite snacks.
You can spend the day at home or simply take a mat and head over to your local park. Find a nice spot beneath a tree and read away till you are ready to head home at sunset.
11) Become a member of online book forums and reading groups
If you don't have the time or means to travel to a local book club, become a member of an online forum which is a reading group. You will be able to interact with members from across the world, share your reads, have engaging discussions with other forum members and immerse yourself in the world of reading from the comfort of your home.
The best part of registering with an online book and reading forum is that you can go incognito. You can hide your identity and interact with everyone under a pen name or a moniker.
12) Keep books on your living room coffee table and bedside desk
Reading more books is all about capitalizing on your free time and this is one of the easiest ways to do it. You may be surprised to see how much more reading you can squeeze into your life by simply having books lying around at places you are likely to be during the day.
Keeping books on your living room corner table or your bedside desk will allow you to instantly pick them up and start reading even when you have a few moments of spare time.
13) Have a reading date: Read with your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend
Add romance into reading by doing it with your partner. Spend an evening lounging in your living room with your partner as the both of you sip on a glass of red and immerse yourself into your favorite reads.
Sharing a hobby with a loved one is a good way to nurture it. A common hobby will also strengthen the emotional bond in your relationship.
14) Create a reading schedule
If you just can't seem to get yourself to read more books, some discipline may get you into the groove. Set apart a time slot in the day when you will leave everything else and read.
Whether it is 20 minutes before bedtime or half n hour with your afternoon tea, promise yourself that you will do nothing but read a book. As the days go by, you will look forward to your dedicated reading time every day.
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