Thursday, 19 July 2012

How to Make a Good Impression in Your First Month of Work

Have you ever wondered why you can't keep a job for more than a few weeks per job? Do you feel like you are doing nothing wrong and just think that the people that fired you had no reason to and are just evil? Well you need to read up on these steps for you to make a good impression in your first month at work so that you will keep your job for a long time.


1. Build a relationship with your co-workers: It is always good to get to know your co-workers. Making friends with your co-workers shows that you can fit into you new workplace and shows that you can build chemistry in your “team”. Also it helps to be on good terms with everyone in the workplace so in times of need of help on certain things your co-workers will be willing to help you since they like you.

2. Put in the extra time the first month: This does not necessarily mean that you need to put overtime in everyday for the first month. What this means is that you should put in the extra effort at work to make an impression to show that you have initiative and to show that you want to keep your job.

3. Always ask for help when needed: If you ever feel like you don’t know what you are supposed to do for the first month you should always ask for help. Whether it is the fact of being new and trying to understand what you have to do or whether you have been at the job for a month or year and you just can’t get an assignment done; ask for help. It would not look good in the first month if you go around trying to look like you know what you are doing but in reality you are not getting anything done at all. If you don’t know what you are supposed to do or you don’t understand how to do it ask for help.

4. Leave your home life at home and always bring a professional attitude to work: Leave the drama from home or friends at home. Your co-workers are not going to want to hear you complain about things that are going on in your life and some might think of it to be distracting if you constantly talk about it at work. This can lead to complaints about you to the boss and in the end could lead you to getting fired. No matter what drama is going on at life always try to bring that professional attitude to work and do that best job you can. The only time that you can bring it up is when your co-workers ask about what has been going on in your life, and this will only come from what was talked about in the previous steps, build a relationship with your co-workers.


1. Keep a positive attitude

2. Always act professional

3. Be to work on time

4. Don't take time off in your first month of work

5. Never ask about your salary at work or bring up your pay

6. Become friends with your co-workers

7. Leave personal drama at home

8. Dress for the job, Dress for "Success"

9. Always ask for help when needed

10. Finish assignments on time or early, NEVER LATE.


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